
 Allow external DNS Recursion

To allow external or all DNS Recursion request, kindly login to Plesk control panel. Then click...

 Creating FTP account

FTP account is created upon adding a domain in Plesk.If you have not yet added your domain in...

 Creating an email account

To create an email account, login first to Plesk control panel.1. Click on Domains.2. Select your...

 Domain Subscription Expiry In Plesk

Overview :- Subscription is an instance of service plan assigned to a customer. To provide a...

 Enabling Submission Port from Plesk control panel

If SMPT port 25 is not working from your end, kindly enable Submission Port from Plesk.It's very...

 How can I increase the number of Courier-IMAP connections for Plesk server?

Problem:Plesk will by courier-imap only allows 4 concurrent connections from the same IP. This...

 How to create SPF record?

SPF is Sender Policy Framework. This should be created from your DNS provider. If you are using...

 How to create a catch-all email account

From Plesk control panel, select your domain name. Then click on "Mail Accounts" > "Mail...

 How to enable Nginx as reverse proxy in Plesk 12

  Tested Environment:  Centos 7Plesk Version: 12 Overview:  Apache with Nginx Nginx, a...

 How to generate a CSR?

When purchasing a SSL cert, you will be required to submit a CSR or certificate signing request....

 How to setup spam filter using DNSBL?

The VPS control panel or Plesk has a very rich feature for spam filtering. It has the option of...

 How to upload files to the domain's Document root directory instead of Java Applications in Plesk.

Case in point:1.How to set up .JSP pages to run from domain's DocumentRoot directoryResolution to...

 How to view my site using the IP address?

When you're still in the development and testing stage of your site and you are not yet ready to...

 Install own SSL Certificate for SMTP, POP and IMAP in Plesk.

Problem:Plesk will by default install its default certificates. Its possible to install either...

 Mail server does not work. How to repair mail server configuration?

Problem:Mail server is running but login always fails.Diagnosis:# telnet localhost 143Trying...

 Not able to connect with IMAP services

Problem:It have problem when connecting with IMAP services but it have response when try to do...

 Plesk Log Files Location

Log files in Plesk based Cloud Servers are not always in the standard locations. Below link...

 Plesk comes up with ërror "ERROR: Zend_Db_Statement_Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error.."

Plesk Panel showing the below error upon logging in:"ERROR: Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception:...

 Plesk license key is invalid

Error: The license key is invalid. In order to use the Panel, please obtain and install a new...

 SSL Certificate warning on Plesk login page

Upon initial access to Plesk control panel via HTTPS (eg., your web browser...

 Setup DNS in Plesk

Please note that we do not offer DNS hosting. To get your site hosted on the VPS, you can either:...

 Setup Multi Version of PHP under Plesk 11.5

Tested EnvironmentOS : CentOS 5.10 and CentOS 6.5Plesk Versions : 11 and 11.5 Preparation:...

 What is the root password for MySQL (Linux with Plesk)?

By default Plesk disables the MySQL root username, root access is then gained using username...

 Wordpress Internal Server Errors when running PHP as Fast CGI in Plesk

Overview: PHP handler is set to run as FastCGI in plesk FastCGI performance is high. Keeps the...